Basic Orthopaedic Emergencies course is an instructional course with the objective to provide guidelines for basic orthopaedic emergency cases commonly encountered in the accident and emergency units. It enables one to recognize, stabilize and refer a casualty to a specialized unit.
The target group include medical officers, Clinical officers, Orthopaedic trauma technicians, medical students and physiotherapists.
The training addresses: 1) General Management of Orthopaedic patients 2) Vascular injuries and compartment syndrome 3) Fractures of long , assessment and immobilization 4) Dislocation of joints and reduction maneuvers
KOA Courses
Cadaveric Course
Cadaveric courses aim to close the gap between the anatomic knowledge and practical practice. It covers surgical approaches in orthopaedics and complex fracture fixation. The target group being orthopaedic surgeons, general surgeons and residents, the main aim of the course is to equip learners with the skills to perform the basic surgical exposures in orthopaedics.
The course covers approaches to the hip, acetabulum, femur, knee & tibia, foot & ankle, shoulder, humerus, forearm, hand, cervical spine, thoracic spine, and lumbosacral spine. The sessions involve demonstration of different surgical approaches and case review discussions.